How to Help Your Kids Not Become Another Money Statistic

How to Help Your Kids Not Become Another Money Statistic

Not Another Money Statistic really fills a gap in the world of personal finance books! This book is such a valuable tool to help our younger generation successfully manage their finances and prevent the mistakes that so many of us older people have already made. 

How to Declutter Your Budget

How to Declutter Your Budget

This might sound a little surprising, but my family actually got our start with Budgeting through Minimalism! I quickly learned that Minimalism spills into every aspect of your life. It’s about decluttering and simplifying your home, your calendar, your relationships, and even your budget! There are so many benefits to living a simplified clutter-free life, and gaining financial freedom is one of them!

2017 in Review from A Family on a Journey to Financial Freedom

2017 in Review from A Family on a Journey to Financial Freedom

 I wanted to share a little recap of my 2017 year. I spent most of December resting + reflecting on the amazing year that my family + I had, so I wanted to share with you my goals from the past year, my reflections, lessons learned, + of course lots of photos of my adorable babies (#momlife ...gotta show off the kids, you understand right!?!).
My hope with sharing this little recap with you is to help motivate + inspire you to know how much good much can happen in one short year!

My Favorite Things of 2017

My Favorite Things of 2017

As we come to the end of 2017 I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of my favorite things that have helped me through the past year! I've included a few books that I've read, podcasts + courses that have helped me, personal development resources I've used, + a few random items that I fell in love with this year! I also wanted to shout out a few of my awesome Sunny Side Up Life Community ladies who run a business or a side hustle, as well as a few of my fellow Budgeting Bloggers! I hope that these resources are helpful to you on your own journey! 

9 Steps to Financial Freedom for Your Family

9 Steps to Financial Freedom for Your Family

I wanted to do more than just struggle...and then one day die! I had dreams! One day I had finally had enough of survival mode. What I did next became a catalyst moment in my family’s life. That day changed our entire future.

How to stop hiding from your debt

How to stop hiding from your debt

The thing about hiding from your debt is that sometimes we don't even realize that we're actually doing it. We think that the survival mode and the stress of having so much debt is just normal and that everybody lives this way, so we really don't think that it's a big deal. ...but we are in fact actually hiding from our debt. I'll share with you two quick steps on how to stop hiding from your debt!

How to create wiggle room in your budget

How to create wiggle room in your budget

“We just don’t have anything extra.”’s usually the first thing that comes up after you write down your budget. In the article I'm sharing with you 33 awesome tips for finding a little extra money to either save or pay towards your debt!

How I organize my bank accounts

How I organize my bank accounts

In this article I'll share with you how I organize my bank accounts, what has worked best for my family as we work through paying off our $490k worth of debt, + give you some real life examples to actually help you get started organizing your own bank accounts. 

Why there is no such thing as a normal grocery budget

Why there is no such thing as a normal grocery budget

I really want you to realize that there is no such thing as normal! It's okay to ask someone else for a guideline, but there are 5 key factors that you have to take into consideration when establishing a grocery budget. In this article, I'll share with you what these 5 factors are + how to create your own "normal" grocery budget.

How to Stay Motivated While Paying off Debt

How to Stay Motivated While Paying off Debt

Paying off debt is no easy task! You sacrifice and do without, you get discouraged, and sometimes you even want to give up. It’s hard! I know! I’ve been there! 
In this article I’m going to share with you 8 simple tips that have helped me stay motivated over the past 3 years! 

Budgeting from a Husband's Perspective

Budgeting from a Husband's Perspective

Budgeting as a couple is hard! It just is! 
As they say, opposites attract, so it’s pretty common for there to be one spouse that’s the spender, and one that’s the saver. This can cause tons of disagreements when it comes to budgeting, saving, and planning out your financial future.

5 Simple Steps for Starting a Budget

5 Simple Steps for Starting a Budget

You're tired of living in financial survival mode, you're tired of being broke, you're tired of not living the life you always dreamed of. So, you decide that you're ready to start a budget! So, where exactly did we start? What steps do we take to get this mess under control?

Couponing Basics

Couponing Basics

In my couponing journey, I have learned that this skill is not for the faint of heart. It is more than saving a few dollars off your grocery bill. It is a skill that must be studied and continuously improved over time. It involves strategy and will become like a game. In this article Kelsey shares everything you need to get started with couponing...the Free, Practically Free, + the Money Makers.